Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Just A Close One

I was driving today from Newark to Elizabeth... only about a 10 minute drive. I was on route 1&9, and I was doing about 55... I wasn't going crazy. I was in the center lane... and about 250 feet in front of me, I saw there was something large in the center of my lane. As with most things in the road, I visually analyzed it to figure out what it was made of... if it was a big plastic bag I could go over it, or even a plastic container of some sort... however, everything in me told me that this thing was big, heavy and made out of metal. Like something that would come out of a truck engine... I examined my options.

I had just passed a car in the lane to the right of me, and there was a truck on my left. I only had 3 choices I could make:

1. I could plow right through the thing, hoping it is harmless.
2. I could brake really hard and stop dead in my lane in front of the object.
3. I could try and switch lanes quickly.

At my speed, I only had time to make one decision and stick with it. I didn't really want to stop dead in the middle of a highway, nor did I want to take the chance and plow through it... so I decided to switch lanes. Left lane was out of the question, due to the truck. The right lane was surprisingly open, and just in time, as the car I had just passed was going slow enough that I had just enough room to get over.

That's the end of the story... to me it is exciting because I went through it. I told it to my aunt and she said, "That's it... you were telling it so well. Its anticlimactic." I said, "well what did you want? Did you want me to plow into it." She said, "no, I wanted to hear something like, 'its a good thing I moved out the way because once I passed it, the cars behind me smashed into it and BOOM(complete with the spreading out of the hands and wiggling finger motions).'" Well, my life is not a Hollywood movie, nor more specifically Bad Boys 2.

Well, I dragged that out. The rest of the day was not as eventful. I spent some time with my aunt tonight, as you can see, and that was fun. We watched Law & Order... afterward at some point Girlfriends came on while we were talking, and she kept trying to shut me up until commercials. She had seen it before though, so I changed it to a repeat of Family Guy... o how she wanted to talk then.

My brother's middle initial is S and apparently he told people trying to guess his middle name that it is Simba, as a joke of course, but u know how high school is. Everyone is talking about it. He should be a business man, because that's some great self advertising.

He's also on the varsity basketball team, and he called me the other day and said, "Justin, I think I'm going to hell. The people at school are calling me Jesus... Black Jesus." I know he's a great baskbetball player, but the Savior??? I definitely should have been at that game.



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