Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just Because...

Our lives get so full of routine sometimes. I once mentioned how experiences help us to grow... but that's difficult when everything is scheduled, or expected. Perhaps having friends is about having people willing to do things for you that are random and unexpected, just to break you out of your routines. I know for me, with or without contact from others, my routines won't change much... but this leads me to the movie Crash, where they say, "Maybe we crash into each other just so we can feel something."

A friend of mine once spoke of... if you look at life as a path, different lives at times intersect (when people crash into each other), and at times paths are shared (friendships), and may eventually deviate. Its a very good way of looking at how people in your life come and go, even if I didn't explain it as well as she did.

Well, knowing that there are special people in life, and that perhaps for now, paths may coincide, there is no better time than the present to make as much of an impact as possible. That way, even when/if paths deviate, at least both have influenced the direction/future of the other.

So why not do things just because? Make someone feel special, especially if they have for you before. See, recently, the same friend gave me a hug in the hallway, and said "I just needed a hug." Well, being the person I am, and with the free time I have, I think a little too much... and I realized, hmmmm, I needed a hug too. When you think about it, you never know how much of an impact you have on someone at any specific time.

With the routine that comes with life, sometimes, there is nothing better than a "just because." I hope you realize and enjoy yours when they happen... its likely because you are appreciated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just Because is a great reason. Thanks for sharing a portion of you with me/us.



11:39 AM  

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