Thursday, November 24, 2005

Just Thankful

Well, I'm glad I wrote this at the end of the day instead of late last night. I know I have a lot to be thankful for, and sometimes it takes Thanksgiving itself to fully realize it.

I'm thankful for...

A supportive family that does family things, like play board games after dinner and damn near go to war.

An abundance of food. I have to remind myself that I receive it so easily, while there are those who simply do not have a bite to eat.

A wise father whose methods I'll never understand, but will hopefully employ. Story - during high school he said, "Justin, u know where the liquor cabinet is... its always open to you." I heard him, but never took advantage. Being from the Caribbean, my parents didn't care as much when it came to drinks, but even still, since it was always open/available to me, I never had those urges to experiment.

A mother who always knows best.

An aunt who is a second mother.

A brother and best friend.

A sister and best friend. (She has 3 best friends, so I can have 2).

Supportive and grounded friends whom I know are only a call away. I may not keep in touch as much as I should, but my circle is tight, and the people are tighter.

My situation. I've come a long way to get here... and I've learned a lot from being unemployed. I know that most people can't afford to be unemployed, but I look around and see that I'm able to pull it off... and wait for the right thing to come along. That's a blessing.

God. Dizzy's blog said, "If I had the power of God, I would change my situation. But if I had the wisdom of God, I wouldn't." I believe everything happens for a reason, so I know any situation, good or bad, is one I am supposed to learn and grow from. That keeps me going. Whether its women, jobs, or whatever else life throws at me.

People interested enough to continue reading this. I told someone recently how I feel like this keeps me sane. It lets me be personal, since I'm not as personal in person, at least not very often. I hope readers have come to learn more about me through this, just as I have about those whose blogs I've read.

Life in general. People wonder why we're here. I'm not going to get too deep, but my feelings on that subject... maybe its to try and leave the world a little better than it was when you got here. Whether its through your own work, or through a child, or children. Life is meant to be felt. All types of emotions, good or bad, that's what its all about. Without emotion, there would be no drive to do any good.

Health. I'm fully functional. I watch Charlie Rose sometimes (he has some really good people on sometimes)... and often enough, he asks about a recent battle with a particular health problem. These are rich and successful people he interviews. Lesson learned, if you don't have your health, you can't enjoy the success, money, or those important to you. Live well.

My bed, or having a warm one to go to. I know a lot of people are going to be cold tonight... I'm truly blessed, but its a responsibility of all of us not to forget those less fortunate than we are. Well, I closed with that one for a reason. Good night.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a wonderful blog and you do have a lot to be thankful for. Such things as me.

9:44 PM  

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