Monday, November 21, 2005

Just A Tribute / Attributes

I had trouble figuring out what to write about tonight. Sometimes I take this too seriously. I was talking to a friend on IM about how I am recently not satisfied with what I write... this came out:

"Its just that some things are on my mind, and I'm not sure what I should share. I know theres not much thought behind it, but I've had some entries that I'm really proud of, and some just dont compare."

To which she replied, "u should post that, it rhymes."

On top of that, she even wrote an entry about how I shouldn't care anyway. Well, she made her point. So I'm just going to type away.

Tonight I want to write a tribute to perfection. No one in particular, just qualities I've seen in women that make me realize what a good woman is, and that inspire me to be the best man I can be.

Of course, I've said that no one is perfect, but I can only hope that there is a perfect person out there for everyone. For me, physical attractiveness is important, but its not everything. As important, if not more important, are self-confidence, and motivation. Basically, there needs to be some drive in life, even if that drive is to find out what drives you. Because from what I know about myself, the beauty alone is not going to keep me satisfied. Or in other words, beauty for me has to encompass both personality and physique. I need someone that I can talk to easily, and that can laugh at my corny jokes. Someone that can support me with my endeavors, so that I can do the same for her. My parents, as far as income goes, have switched places at least 5 times. I find that pretty amazing, since I hear talk of a lot of men being insecure with a woman making more than him. BUT, for me, it all comes down to support. Its not about who makes more... since there should be drive. Either you are in a career striving to make more, or you are doing what you love and making whatever comes with it, i.e. teaching. Either way, that support from a significant other is very important... since I've seen it from my parents.

I have a cousin of mine who is one of my role models. She graduated MIT and went on to Berkeley for grad school. She lives in the A now with her husband, who recently completed his doctorate. So they're doing big things. One day, her husband was here visiting, and I'm not sure how this came up, but he said, "My wife had a big meeting the other day, where the CEO of IBM arrived in a helicopter. He got out and another person followed him with a briefcase and portfolio. This guy has his own personal assistant to carry numbers and information for him." Then he proceeded to say... "I'm proud of my wife, she can make all the money... I just want to be next to her to hold her portfolio."

I hope I did the story justice, but it stood out in my mind as far as support goes, especially since it was coming from a man. I was younger at the time, but I'm glad I heard that, because it stayed with me, and today I feel the same way.



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