Friday, November 11, 2005

Just In Hiding

Now I'm not attacking the approach. Its received so much attention (seemingly) that it may be somewhat effective... but I will speak on the flaws, because its not something I could ever see myself doing. A little while back, I spoke about how a symbol is the closest we will get to perfection... this is evident in how people behind companies strive to keep the company image as clean as possible. Look at Disney World... it is always majestic, yet people slave to keep it that way. Its just not reality. In reality, no one is perfect. But recently, I have seen an "anonymous" person build up an image of perfection... yet it can only be applied to the name "anonymous." What is the point of that? If this person is so perfect, it would only seem logical to use a real name. Perhaps the real name isn't used because the person isn't perfect, like they come off as being. (To clarify, perfect in relation to relationships/how to treat a woman). The flaw is, that it is easier to make "anonymous" aka "no one" perfect, since no one can be perfect. Seems to me that if the person was so perfect, a real name would be used. You can strive to be the best you can, as I do, but I'll admit I'm not without mistakes. I've kept a clean record, meaning I doubt you will find a woman who will speak ill of me. That's because I'm not into wasting anyone's time, and I know what I'm looking for.

What I am saying is, anonymity, or the use of it, fuels the alter-ego. I'd love to be anonymous, but I'd rather strive to have my name represent everything I would have my "anonymous self" represent. And, I don't feel like hiding all the time.

Sorry if none of this made sense... just some things that came across my mind while reading tonight.



Blogger Miss Q said...

good lookin' out...

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really understand. Like for instance - on facebook (which, I'm getting my original stance back - is the Devil) makes as much information as you desire to have - public. I'm of the school of thought that there should be some areas of my life that are still private...I don't know. I'm just that type of person who doesn't want EVERYTHING out there ALL at once. :)

Cheers n Ciao.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Ms. V said...

Just... are you SQ's Mr Anonymous??? Inquiring minds want to know.

7:40 PM  

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