Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Just Interested

So I'm driving around tonight, and nearby, on a quiet street, I saw a crashed Jeep next to a tree. The front was smashed, and the back door was left open... so the interior light was on. There was no one inside the jeep, and no emergency vehicles around. So I call the police, because I don't know what happened... they said the police are in the area, and they are looking for the person who was in the car. Again, not one vehicle around. So I left... last thing I need is some crazy injured person trying to take my car.

Interest, passion and motivation... somewhat related, yet very separate things. I feel like a passion is along the lines of what you were meant to do. Somewhat philosophical, but its what I think. Its the one thing that corresponds to you so well, and that you do so well, that it must be what you are supposed to do. Thing is, it comes down to exposure. Like I said a little while back, how can a child grow up to be the world's best astrophysicist if he or she never went to a planetarium, or had a similar stimulating experience? As far as knowing your passion, or what you were meant to do, or what drives you... I'd say most people don't. While there are things that interest or motivate us, passions are found through experiences... because experiences help you learn more about yourself, how you look at the world, and ultimately where you fit in the big scheme of things.

Toward the end of high school, I was feeling very stressed, and the reason I identified was odd. We were learning about mechanical drawings, and had to learn the correct notations for tolerances etc... I felt overwhelmed. Things as tiny as screws had such strict guidelines for being developed. One can only imagine what a jet engine must be like. I felt like the world is so big and full of detail, that I couldn't possibly affect it in any major way. Then I was reminded that, "people believe that small groups of people can't change the world, when those are the only people that ever had." Can't remember who that quote is from... but very true.

I wish I knew my passion, I can honestly only say I know what I'm motivated to do, and I doubt they coincide. I hope my passion deals with somehow positively affecting the lives of others, which I don't see happening if I'm in a cubicle somewhere. I may still end up there, but again its because passions aren't found overnight.

My mom did data security and consulting for investment banks for at least 15 years. In the past 3 years, she became a teacher, and now teaches 3rd grade math. The work she was doing wouldn't be remembered... and investment banks have a way of paying you enough so that you don't complain that what you are doing for them is either boring, meaningless, redundant, or unnecessary. (I had an internship there a few summers ago.) Not knocking them, that's where all the technology is... its just that what you do isn't "important" in the big scheme of things. I'm glad my mom found her passion, even if it was 15-20 years later.

I think what limits us sometimes is what people think, or caring about what people will think. I'm jobless, and I don't care what anybody thinls... I would personally like something right now, but I can't change how companies think... so I roll with the punches. If I didn't, I'd be crazy stressed right now, and the last thing on my mind would be doing something I want to do... I would be focused on doing anything. I read a friend's profile earlier. I don't know who said this quote, but it said, "do what you feel and say what you mean, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

Once you get a group of friends/family who you know are behind you, it makes things a lot easier. Its even better when a significant other is there to support you... just have to find mine :-)



Blogger Miss Q said...

I'm glad for your mom. My mom is 30 years my senior and still doesn't know what she wants to do when she grows up :-\ As for not having a job. Enjoy it! Sometimes I wish I didn't have a job so I could do some more exploring. That's what this summer was supposed to be for, but everything fell through, lol. Now I gotta crib and bills and a car and I can't not work :-( grrr. lol. There's always a Catch...22.

6:40 AM  
Blogger POPS said...

i'm feeling the passion behind these words...some real thought shT went into this one.

2:08 AM  

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