Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just Moving Along

I had a ton to talk about, and I was eager to write, but of course I can't remember anything. I know it has been a while, but this no internet situation makes things pretty difficult. I get in here once or twice a day on these public computers, and if they are in use, I just don't bother.

I know what today is, and for the most part I just didn't think about it, because of course I haven't been here long enough be able to have plans for tonight. I'm still going to have a nice dinner though, but besides all that, a good friend didn't forget about me. She said not to open the letter until today, (because it came yesterday) but I opened it early anyway. Its really good to know people haven't forgot about me (I knew that all along) but this was a very nice and appreciated reminder. Thank you.

As for work, I have to admit, today was a turning point for me.. not a major one, but the biggest since I've been here. See, since there are so many projects in progress, I haven't been able to give much input. I've mainly been following people around and picking things up as I go along. Today I took a slightly more proactive approach, and I realized not only is this a great job to have, its also a lot of fun. I threw some ideas out that were received well, and right before lunch we had a meeting with a company that showed us some emerging technologies. Excuse me for being vague, but I have to, though I really want to tell people... just can't. During the same meeting, my co-workers, who have been doing this much longer, just sat and gave the company their opinions on which direction they see certain technologies heading in. I think that's great. I can't wait to get to the point where I can sit and just think about what is going to happen next with a certain technology as far as developments or applications go. I do that now already but there is no experience behind it. When my co-workers say it, along with the company name behind them, there is some authority to it. I guess there is a certain level of power there... and maybe I'm just a little power hungry... all in good time.

I received a company laptop. I love it... its nice and light and small, but of course I have to respect it... meaning I can't take it home and use it as my personal computer. I guess the point I'm getting to is that I like what I do. Its early yet but I'm glad I came out here (for the most part). Things are taking shape, i'm starting to realize where I fit into the team I'm on, and I'm beginning to get some responsiblility. My co-workers/team members are great too. The downside right now, still haven't met many people, and at the same time I haven't been too proactive about it either. I'll rephrase... I meet quite a few people daily, but not on my level in terms of a young, fresh out of school professional. Where are all they? I know they are around. This week is dedicated to finding them. They are probably near the university where everything else is. That's about a 20 minute drive, and its not a bad drive, its just that it can get tiring from time to time. I save that drive for the weekends, especially since there is no reason to go out there during the week. I'm sure they are here at work too. I don't work in the main buildings, but those are just big open rooms full of cubicles. I'm sure they are there but there is no way for me to see them. I'm pretty good, I can detect young people from pretty far away, but in this environment I'd have to check each cubicle individually. So I invented the, "Oops, I'm new here," method so I could check each cubicle, and that is working pretty well. Only a couple thousand more cubicles to go.

Lastly, on Sunday I went to the gym. That was a lot of fun but I realized how out of shape I am. The company gym is amazing. Out here, they build out instead of up, so this gigantic building has 3 indoor pools (2 are olympic), 2 indoor running tracks, an enormous basketball area, a weight machine section, and a cardio machine section, and then racquet ball and a ton of studios for yoga, aerobics, spinning and other things. As far as tennis goes, there is an entire separate building for that, with 6 indoor courts and 4 outdoor. Great facility to say in the least. On my first day, I stuck to the indoor track. (10 laps = 1 mile) I ran half a mile, then walked/jogged 3 laps, then ran 2 more laps. It was good. I was tired but I wasn't dead. Then I went downstairs to try and regain my long lost basketball skills. After about 5 minutes of wondering what the hell was wrong with me, I started to hit some shots. When I was getting ready to leave, 2 old guys and 1 guy probably in his 30s came. They were just shooting around at first but then asked me if I wanted to get in on a 2 on 2. I was alright with that. I was doing pretty well... but about 15 minutes into it I was dead. I literally couldn't go on. I hit the wall (that's figuratively, or in fitness terms). So I had to take a break. The old guys were laughing and saying, "You can't be tired already, I haven't even worked up a sweat." <--- that's in an Arkansas accent. Well, I didn't tell them I just ran a mile. They were good sports though, so I called it quits and went home to shower and rest. I'm still pretty sore though. That's all I can think of for now. I still haven't made my car decision. Hopefully the weather is good this weekend. I'll head down to the dealership and decide once and for all. I still have 2+ weeks before I need the car, so if they don't have it on the lot, that gives them time to get it. Happy Valentine's Day... see I can be a good sport about it, but you can guarantee, I could care less about it this year (but thanks again for the card). ~JL


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