Friday, January 27, 2006

Just a Big Fish

Tonight we celebrated my mother's birthday at a favorite restaurant called Freshwater's. The food was great and I had my typical dish, except I added Whiting this time. My aunt is here from England and its just been laughs ever since she landed. Her boyfriend was here only weeks ago and a very funny situation happened one morning.

I woke up to a loud and terrible sound. I sat in bed somewhat in a daze trying to figure out what could be making that noise. It was shaking the entire house. I thought our guest had accidentally locked himself out of the bathroom, and was discretely trying to knock the door in. While unlikely, it was the ONLY solution I could come to. I got up, left the bedroom and saw the bathroom door wide open - it couldn't be what I thought. I walked down the hall to my brother's room to find him just getting out of bed for the same reason. The only solutions he could come to is that we were either under attack, or that it was the end of the world. Loud, continuous pounding that shakes the entire house, we had to find the source. We went downstairs and realized it was coming from the garage. Now, we didn't think it was anything dangerous, so this is when we went into 24 mode, we looked at each other and gave the appropriate hand signals. He would open the door and I would storm in with my finger guns. Well, my brother must have been more awake than I was, or more weary of the situation, because once he opened the door he took it a lot more seriously than I did (I didn't have my contacts or glasses on). He fell back and went behind me, and I still jokingly stormed in as I had planned. Our shocked guest was pounding the punching bag hanging in our garage... it hasn't been touched in years. When I saw it though, it was damn near horizontal from how hard he was hitting it. It all made sense at that point, but still, there was no way I could have guessed that was what the sound was. We all laughed at the situation, and the story made it back to England for my aunt and uncle to hear. We talked about it over dinner so I decided to share it in the blog. It probably isn't as funny on here, but I tried my best.

Today I received some great news. I mentioned earlier that I am flying to Arkansas and shipping my belongings instead of using a truck since I don't have that much stuff. I explained this to my company and I realized that for at least a few days, I would need to rent a car until I can get settled in enough to get one myself. I asked them if they could rent a car for me for a few days just to help me out. If they didn't I would have just picked up the cost myself. They got back to me today and apparently, since I am not using the moving truck, they decided to rent a car for me FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH. That is a blessing. Things could not have worked out any better. Had I drove down as originally planned, I would have still had the problem of not having a car, and I would have been stuck, and low on cash. This way worked out for the best, and what's funny is that I was against it at first, but mom was telling me to do it like this from the beginning (she hates the idea of a 24hr drive). Well, mother always knows best, and my fortunes since I changed the plan only serve as proof.

I did a lot of packing last night. Most of it had already been done, but I repacked so I could use less boxes, and thus save on shipping. I am learning all the FedEx pricing rules and trying to follow them as much as I can. Yesterday, I set up an account with them and for some reason, they charged my card without my knowledge. It made my account overdraft. I talked to them, and they apologized... apparently it is a standard procedure, but they definitely did not let me know they were going to do it. So I will be credited and if the bank does hit me with a fee, they will credit that too. That was some stress though... nothing worse than going online to find you have negative funds, and then having no idea why that is.

Other stress, well, the moving is stressful. It hasn't hit me yet, but I am excited. I think part of me feels like I'm not going anywhere, and everything else just happens in my imagination. But I think that's how I like it. I'm going to send my stuff FedEx, and on Thursday jump on my one-way direct flight to Life. I always tell people the best way to learn about New York is to get dropped off in the center of the city and figure it out. Well, that's how I look at this new situation. Instead of thinking too much about it, I'm going to get on the plane and learn/make decisions as they come. I'm going to do the best work I can and learn as much as possible about the technology I'll be working with (RFID). I am going to register for classes starting in the fall and work on a master's (possibly two). Arkansas will be a self-development journey, including better habits (eating/working out), more education, and work experience. I'll truly become a big fish, since the world is a lot bigger than the Big City I've grown so accustomed to. I haven't seen the movie "Big Fish" yet, but Dizzy gave a great explanation of its meaning a few weeks back. I'll gain new perspectives on life and people that New York simply cannot offer me, and I also believe it will be unique to go there with a NY state of mind.

Big day tomorrow.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guy...

Times are definitely changing. Life makes us all realize many things. I'm still waiting to "catch up"


12:08 AM  

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