Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Just Desensitized

I watched American Idol tonight, something i defintely didn't think I would do, but I have to admit, its entertaining. My dad likes to watch it, and my sister was watching it with him, so I decided its good to get some more quality family time in before I leave, if you want to call that quality. This won't be a weekly show for me, but the black twins are killing it. 2 sets of black twins did an absolutely amazing job... why? because they understand the importance of harmonizing. To an extent, its unfair, because someone coming in alone cannot harmonize on their own, but it was a great audition.

I also watched 24 last night, and that will be a weekly show for me. If you think about it, its a 24 hour movie, and its done extremely well. The downside is that the thrill of the show comes from them playing on our fears, and basically showing terrorism in our backyard when that is the last place we really want it to be. Its done in a way that mixes a movie with reality, and astonishingly enough, most people said on 9/11 that they felt like they were watching a movie. My mom said something very insightful, I can't remember if I said it here before, but it was about when Bush launched the Shock and Awe campaign in Iraq, and they bombed it for the first time. It was televised on all the major networks live. Mom said, "No one wants a war in their backyard, yet they bring it into my living room." Just something to think about. Are we conditioned to enjoy that which we fear? Are we so desensitized that we can watch the deaths of real people before our eyes on television, such as in Iraq, because "it's like a movie"?

Today, Michael Basement was talking about spouses not wearing their wedding bands (at least the part of the show I heard). I think, and this goes along with what dizzy said, the grass is always greener on the other side. That's why its best to always identify the pros of your situation and enjoy them while they last... because its so easy to focus on the negative things. My major pro - not being in a relationship meant I could relocate for an opportunity that is a great start to my career... otherwise the decision would have been much more difficult. I believe everything happens for a reason.

We had some cousins come up for the weekend from Virginia. My 5 year old cousin is a math genius... he just loves numbers. All I want to do is test him when he's here, but I have to let him be 5 years old. But I will say this, he can double numbers into the millions... that means 2^x, or 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc... He does it all in his head. When he passed a million, he didn't know what a million was (it was the first time he went so high), so he said in a very inquisitive tone, "a thousand thousand???" which seems logical if up until that point you said five-hundred thousand. He must have a photographic memory (as his mom suggested). He can see the numbers and do the addition in his head. He loves anything with numbers, so for Christmas he asked for an ATM (he likes how the numbers you put in translate to money that comes out). Guess what, he got one... not sure from where but apparently it came with a bank card, and he can use the machine to check his balance. I thought that was funny.

Another beautiful woman I don't think gets enough mention - Vivian Green. I think I liked her better before the long hair though.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do know that his name is Michael Baisden, don't you?

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey justin,
sorry we couldn't make your farewell party tonight; we're just too young and just too broke. hope arkansas treats you well.
just us,
rio, kelly and rachelle

12:40 AM  

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