Saturday, October 22, 2005

Just Under the Weather

I've been sick the past few days. I still feel pretty bad. Kinda achy and just can't shake it. Hopefully it doesn't last too long. Today I want to talk about problems and decisions that come up from time to time.

A favorite artist of mine is Lauryn Hill because of her Unplugged Album. I know, people say she went crazy etc, and I can see why they would say that, but she seems very sane to me, and a lot of what she is saying is deep. To me, that album has a different message everytime I listen to it (like right now). "The view is I'm emotionally unstable, which is reality, most people are." - Lauryn Hill. She has a point. We all like to either cover up our emotions, or try not to let things get to us, but then don't you become a prisoner to your emotions? Where is the freedom in that? The last quote from her that I'll leave you with in regard to problems is, "the only way to get out is through confrontation, see, we always thought it was retreat..." If you get the chance listen to the album, and I mean let it run all the way through, then maybe you'll see what I mean, and its especially good when there is something difficult going on in life.

I have no problem being personal, especially in this blog. People reading it who know me are friends anyway, and I make sure to keep identities discrete. So, I will say, that a rough time for me was a few years ago, when a relationship went south. I took it so hard, because I know I didn't deserve it, but for the most part, I was just feeling sorry for myself. There were other things in a much bigger picture, that I not only had no control over, but that didn't concern me at all. I just could not be involved, even though I wanted to be. To this day, I don't know exactly what happened, but I do know that that pain is shared by many, which is why I'm so into music. There is someone talking about whatever problem you may be having, which lets you know that you aren't the only one. If they could get through it so can you. For the most part though, after my rough time, I know everything happens for a reason, and perhaps what I thought was my loss, is actually a gain in a different respect... and perhaps a gain I have not seen or realized yet. Perhaps that is how people should look at things. In this case:

The loss: A Love
The gain: Knowing what Love is

(It takes a real man to say the L word. Ladies, now you know where to look.)



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