Sunday, October 23, 2005

Just a Kid at Heart

A few stories to share with you. Now, I don't read as much as I should... being forced to read books throughout school that I had absolutely no interest in has affected every book I pick up. The enjoyment isn't there like it used to be. So now, when asked what my favorite books are, I undoubtedly respond by naming the last books I read cover to cover with enthusiam, and enjoyment. They are the entire series of the Chronicles of Narnia.

5 years ago, I had a college interview for NJIT, where I was in a small room with the President of their Honor's college. Application and details aside, I was accepted during that meeting, and he said, "Before you leave, I must ask you, because I ask everyone, what was your favorite book?" Me being a person who does not have a varied history with reading, I almost hesitated, but quickly depended on the same books that to this day I will support and advertise, The Chronicles of Narnia. He said, "Good answer, C.S. Lewis was a very spiritual man, and when you get a chance you should read some of his other work."

My parents used to take me to church every Sunday, so I grew up with somewhat of an extended family, with friends that I still have today. However, the church I went to in particular went downhill for me. I barely went at all while I was in college, and once my family moved, it just didn't seem practical to make that journey. However, we found a church very nearby to where my family moved, and at first I was weary, but I know some people can relate to me on this... the pastor is very good and on some Sundays, it just seems like the sermon was just for you. It doesn't happen every week, but when it does, its very refreshing and motivating. Today, he must have been talking to me, because he mentioned Narnia, and the movie, and of course it related to the sermon, but I just took it as confirmation that yes, the message today is indeed for me.

For you though, I will just share my excitement about these movies coming out. They look like they were done very well, and from the preview, the most exciting thing for me is, it looks almost exactly how I imagined it while I was reading. These books are surprisingly descriptive, and what makes them different than other books for me is that they are the only ones where I did not see the words in front of me in black and white... as I was reading, all I saw in my mind were images, almost to the point where I could forget I was reading. Its nice when parts of your childhood can come to the forefront. To this day I remember when my mom started reading me The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and once that was done, I read the rest of the series from there on my own. 22 Years young now and don't get it twisted, I will push kids out of the way to get into that theater (kinda helps to look young yourself). I guess I'm just a kid at heart.


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