Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Just in the Routine

I'm getting into the routine. I didn't want to talk about it too early in case things fall off, but I started going to the gym again on Sunday. I ran an entire mile, then called it quits. My strategy, since it was pretty tiring, is to run 1/2 mile every day for the rest of the week. Today, I decided that this is working out fine, since it is day 4 now, and I have been sticking to the planned routine. On Sunday, I ran the first 1/2 mile, walked for .3 and ran for the last .2. Yesterday and today I ran the 1/2 mile. I am going to add .1 miles per week until I'm running a flat mile. Then I can work on lowerng my time.

I haven't been doing any weight training. I'm trying to figure out how to work that in. I might not run at all two days per week and instead do weight training, and I figure I can do some push-ups before I go to bed every night... and maybe some crunches. They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit, so I'm on my way.

Sonic is some damn good fast food. I try and stay away from it, but its so easy to stop there during lunch. I wondered why there are no Sonics up in NJ and NY, and then I realized that the more mass transit there is, the less Sonics you'll find. Since they are all drive in / drive through, there is no way to accept pedestrian traffic. Down here, if you don't have a car, you're just screwed. I'm close enough to work that I could ride a bike, but that's about all I'd be able to do.



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