Saturday, April 22, 2006

Just at Home

Well, I've noticed a very drastic decresae in the amount I've been writing, so I had to ask myself what's wrong. Is my life boring? It can't be. I have fun. Granted, being in Arkansas isn't as exciting as NY, but I should have a lot to talk about nonetheless. I guess my lack of material is due to being in the job routine. Interesting things happen at work that I can't talk about... whereas before I was working, if anything interesting happened, I could talk about it.

I'm home in NJ right now. I flew here on Wednesday evening for a good friend's wedding. I was one of the groomsmen. I had a great time, and the wedding was wonderful. Gave me something to look forward to because I really felt a lot of what was going on. It also had me thinking. You may not believe in love at first sight. I won't say its impossible, but I definitely doubt it can happen... but I will say that you can know whether or not someone is for you when you meet them. You can know whether they are long term material, or summer fling material. My question is, do we waste time and energy on people that we know won't work out for the long term? Is the long term anyone's priority anymore? Because if it is, then shouldn't we focus on meeting and pursuing quality? AND, as difficult as it may be, shouldn't we also train ourselves to learn the difference between knowing someone will work in the long term, instead of thinking they will... because thinking is tied in with imagining, and I know I do that a lot. That gets me caught up, and confused from time to time, and in the end, I end up essentially wasting time on people that I know deep down are not for me. How many quality women were passed up while I was wasting time on things that wouldn't have worked anyway? Think about it, beacuse if I learned anything from this wedding, its that the two individuals had a feeling from the start, that this could be something good, this should be something to pursue, and that it would be something for a lifetime.


Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. rnb


Blogger POPS said...

ain't nothing wrong with trying to focus on the long-term. but hey, sometimes knowing and thinking get mixed-up. on the reals.

11:44 AM  

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