Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Just Disappointed

Received another no today. Frustrated isn't the word. How can EVERYWHERE want you to have experience, yet not be willing to give someone the opportunity to gain some? Well, its their loss, but it doesn't help me at all either.

Kinda hard to stay positive with an inbox full of negativity.

So what now? A girl once said to me, "Justin, that's a good idea, you should do it," and as simple as it was, it stood out, because that was support... and I had never received that before from someone besides fam. It made me understand another important aspect of relationships. Why that girl in particular won't get back to me, I'll never know... BUT the lesson learned is, whether you have someone to tell you the words or not, you just need the confidence to go and start something on your own. I guess I'd just rather have the choice to, instead of feeling forced to. But then again, how many people choose to go the uncomfortable route, especially when they have a salary???


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