Thursday, October 20, 2005

Just Stay in School

I have to admit I started this blog because of the stellar blogging talent of Miss SQ herself. I have no idea what to talk about today, so I'm just going to let it flow. I visited my old high school earlier today, and they are doing BIG things. More buildings are going up, some of my old teachers have moved up in the chain, even some of my classmates are working there. I went to a school that was HEAVY in technology. We're talking some better facilities than some colleges (yes, better than the college I went to) as far as computers go. The talent there is amazing, the competition to get in is toughest in the state, and its probably one of the highest rank schools (if not the highest) in NJ. In short, I'm pretty proud, and I realized today that I like being there. That may be weird, since I don't know too many people that enjoy being back at their high school, BUT, understand I'm a technology person, and there are only 3 places I know that get the best technology: Investment Banks, Big Computer/Engineering firms (Dell, HP, etc..) and my high school. Since 2 of the 3 haven't taken me yet, maybe I can have more of an impact working in education. No, not a big career change, just as a substitute teacher there until I get the big job, or as I build the business. It pays well, and I get to gain more experience with their technology, since they have a good 400+ computers on campus. Yes, I will be spending some time there.

Everybody Hates Chris came on tonight. That is a great show. If its one thing I like about TV, at least it gives you something to look forward to during the week, (if you REALLY like the show). At some point, that's sad, but I tihnk its alright as long as you don't look forward to watching 20 shows. Other shows for me include Making the Band 3, and the Real World. And of course 24 when the season starts. That show is like crack, and I wouldn't even know, but it must be the closest thing to it. If you don't want to get addicted, then don't watch it. If you give it 10 minutes, you might as well clear your calendar for the rest of the season.

I think that's enough for now. Maybe later I'll have something more important to talk about.



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